Custom Programming Policy

ManageMore Business Software is primarily a prepackaged business software for small to mid-size business owners.  Intellisoft Solutions does offer custom programming services to clients who request enhancements to the functionality of the product. Custom programming requests are reviewed and accepted only if they meets specific criteria.  All rights and usage of an accepted custom programming project remain with Intellisoft Solutions and may be considered part of the ManageMore Business Software product.

Since custom programming affects our company’s product line for ALL users, we do have a set of criteria we follow for accepting/declining custom programming requests.  Our policies exist to ensure our company’s resources or objectives are not overly impacted and our programs do not become too complicated or inconsistent with our current/future software design.

Among the criteria used to approve requests are:

  • Is the request within the accepted range of software development time we offer to a single client?  A custom programming project must meet a minimum of 5 hours of work, but not exceed 15 hours of our programmers time.  Intellisoft is proud of what our small core development team is able to accomplish, but we do have our limits.  In order to be fair with all of our customers and their expectations of upcoming software version improvements, we cannot accept a single client’s programming project which may be too small/large to handle and possibly impact our company’s development resources.
  • Will the request benefit other clients? This factor does not necessarily impede the acceptance of a custom programming request, but can affect pricing and the likeliness of the programming project being accepted by our development team.
  • Can the request be implemented without causing a detrimental effect on database design, speed of use, storage or program complexity? These factors are extremely important when evaluating a request. Our development team considers these factors and more when deciding if a custom programming request will be accepted.
  • Will the request cause program inconsistency? It is important that ManageMore has a consistent user-interface design across the entire application.  In other words, we will not make a change to one screen or function that makes it unlike other screens of the same type.
  • Can the request already be achieved using other program functionality? If there is already a solution or way to satisfy the custom programming request with features already in the application, a custom programming request may be denied.  For example, many data mining report requests or report modifications can already be handled via ManageMore custom query reporting tools or by file exporting the report, where more fields are available.

Please keep in mind that Intellisoft also has an internal software suggestion box system which is used by our technical support to record ManageMore ideas and improvements that customers have conveyed to us via telephone or ticket system.  This suggestion box is reviewed and often used in consideration of future features in the product at no-charge to you.  Feel free to contact ManageMore technical support for an assessment on your programming requests.