Cloud SaaS with ManageMore

Cloud Server

Cloud SaaS (Software as a Service) is a form of cloud computing that delivers software applications to users over the internet. Common ly referred to as a cloud server, this technology offers a business owner the able the ability to outsource their existing in-house network in favor of a cloud server environment to run business applications from any device where an internet connection exists. For a nominal fee, a cloud provider maintains and manages all of the underlying infrastructure, platforms, security, and data for your business.

ManageMore Business Software in conjunction with  Cloud SaaS technology provides a robust set of capabilities for businesses that want to simplify their IT needs and extend accessibility of their business software for ecommerce and mobile device purposes (e.g. secure shopping cart integration, warehousing, mobile salesperson, multi-location facilities, etc.).

There are dozens of Cloud SaaS providers on the market today. Pricing varies depending on the number of workstations connected to the cloud server and the hardware specifications needed (e.g. Hard Drive Space, Memory, CPU Cores, etc.). Typical costs range from $100-$150/mo. for most small business operation needs under 5 users.

For more information on whether your organization is best suited for running ManageMore Business Software over the cloud, please contact us at 305-471-5111. You can also sign up for a free 7 day trial from one of our preferred cloud SaaS providers. Click on the SIGN UP button below for more details.