This article describes how to use the Inventory Explorer window in ManageMore Business Software. The Inventory Explorer allows users to easily change the properties of selected supertrack inventory items, with a simple drag-and-drop. You can easily change the category, department, commission structure, sales promotion, and other attributes of many items at once. You can also Purge or Discontinue the items selected.


Step 1 – Open the Inventory Explorer

To begin, select Activities … Inventory … Inventory Explorer from the main menu of ManageMore.  You will be presented with the Inventory Explorer window. If you have a large number of items, it may take some time to read all the items into memory.


Step 2 – Select the Property to Modify

The next step is to select the particular property that you wish to change. To do so, select the drop down for the Property Selection List. From there, you can select to change the Category, Commission, Department, Supertrack Kind (read-only), Location (copy), Manufacturer, Promotion, Season, Template, Primary Vendor, Warranty or Web Related.

Inventory Explorer Property Selection

There are a couple of limitations.

  • The location of an item cannot be changed. Using the location option will copy item(s) from one location to another.
  • The Supertrack Kind of an item cannot be changed for active items.
  • The Template can only be changed to one of the same Supertrack Kind of the existing item.

The folder list on the left will then display the ACTIVE values for that property. For example, if you select “Department” the folder list will contain all active departments. Selecting a particular folder will filter the list to show items that contain that particular value. There are two special selections – select the “All” record at the top will display all items. Selecting the “No … Provided” will display items that do not have a value for the property selected.

Also note that there are options at the bottom of the list that determine the items to be shown:

  • “Show inventory from current location only” – select this item to filter the list for item in the currently logged in location. Uncheck for all locations.
  • “Show discontinued SKU items” – select this to allow items which are discontinued to be displayed. By default discontiued items are not shown.
  • “Show internal SKU items used by the program” – select this to allow internal items (such as “MISC”) to be displayed.


Step 3 – Select the Items to Modify

The next step is to select the items that you wish to modify. This can be done in two ways. To select all items shown in the list, click on the “Mark All” button. To deselect all items, click on the “Mark None” button.

Inventory Explorer Selection Buttons

The second way to select items is to simply click on the items desired. A single left-click is all that is needed to select or deselect an item. Selected items will remain highlighted.

IMPORTANT: Depending upon your Display Options, some items may not be displayed. If you are not seeing items expected, click on the Display Options button and choose the option(s) appropriate for you.


Step 4 – Drag the Selected Items to a Folder

The final step in changing the items’ property is to click, hold, and drag the selected items to the folder that represents the value to be assigned. Your cursor will change to a down arrow when you are hovering over a folder. Release the mouse when the arrow points to the desired value. ManageMore will begin reassigning the property to the selected value. If another value folder was originally selected (i.e., not “All”), the items will disappear, and show when the resultant folder is selected. If you wish to clear the value, drop the items into the “No … Provided” folder.


Purging or Discontinuing Items

To purge or discontinue items, follow the steps above to find and select the items to be discontinued or purged from your system. If you are not sure which of these options is best, you should select to discontinue the items. This way, the items are still present in your system, but are marked inactive and cannot be used on most transactions. Once you have selected the items, click on the Purge/Discontinue Items button.

Inventory Explorer Purge or Discontinue Items

The program will confirm your decision, and begin purging or discontinuing items. We do not recommending performing this on a large number of items during peak business hours, as this process can hinder network performance for other users. Also note that there are a couple of limitations on purging items:

  • You must be logged in as a security administrator to perform this function
  • You cannot purge items that have any quantities present.
  • You cannot purge internal SKU items used by the program, or sample data.